Dental Fillings in Corona, CA
If you have been fortunate enough never to have a cavity, you might not know the importance of dental fillings in basic oral healthcare. According to research, the average adult has 3-4 cavities in their lifetime. This means that they need 3-4 filings in that time to treat those cavities. Cavities are a serious issue that, if you do not get treated quickly, can lead to many problems for your teeth and oral health. Start by getting a routine
dental exam here at Everglow Family Dentistry in Corona, CA, to determine if any of your teeth have suffered from decay and developed a cavity.
While a cavity is not the end of the world for your tooth or your smile, tooth decay that is left untreated can become a serious problem for not just a single tooth but all of your teeth. Understanding why fillings near you are necessary will make it easier if you find out you have a cavity to get treatment.
How Do Fillings Work?
Fillings fulfill a very important purpose: a filling is placed in the space where a tooth has a cavity to fill the cavity and protect the tooth from further damage. The process is quick and easy. The dentist cleans out the area of the cavity, sucks out any debris, and removes the decay. Once the area is prepared, the dentist will install the filling material. Several different materials depend on the cavity’s location and personal preference. If you come to us at
Everglow Family Dentistry in Corona, CA, the dentist will work with you to choose the right material for the situation.
Regarding choosing the filling material, there are two things to consider: how much durability the filling needs and the location of the cavity. The dentist may suggest a ceramic filling matching the natural tooth cooler for a visible cavity. The dentist will usually suggest a metal filing with higher overall durability for back teeth that deal with more pressure from chewing.